Gold Challenge
Heraldry Challenge

Challenge: Learn a bit about heraldry and then create your own coat of arms. Heraldry family crests or coats of arms” were invented out of a military need for identification of knights during face to face combat in medieval battles. Knights attending battles and tournaments dressed in elaborate armour which hid their identities. In order to prevent being attacked by friends, the knights displayed visible symbols and colours on their shields so that they could be easily identified. These eventually became recognised with them and their family. Over the years heraldry has developed (with many rules and regulations!) and coats of arms established for particular families, organisations and even corporations. Today, you can still see examples of modern and ancient Heraldry being used. Modern examples would include a football club or company logo.

How do I do this: You will need to read up about heraldry and learn a bit about it. Then create either drawn or electronic your “own” coat of arms. Use things that represent you or your family. Do you enjoy a particular sport, have a favourite colour or favourite pet? Why not include something like that into your design for your coat of arms? Describe why you have added the components you have done.

Look at these examples to give you some ideas:

City of Manchester

The three yellow bars on the shield (bendlets) were the coat of arms of the Grelley family who were the first lords of the manor of Manchester. The ship and the globe refer to Manchester's worldwide trade and the bees to Manchester's industry (busy as a bee!). The roses are the red rose of Lancashire.

Bell Family

This one's pretty obvious! Three bells just in case you did not get the message!

Here are some helfpful links for you to look at before starting your own Coat of Arms:,can%20include%20in%20your%20crest.

Suggested places to find this information: Look for any books on the subject at either the local library or school library. Try internet sources. Try a Google search for “heraldic symbols” of "coat of arms" and then click “images”. You will find lots of examples.

Suggested resources and useful websites: